I mean, u don’t have 2b an Adonis 4 a white hooker 2 fuck u!!!
… lotsa guys like white chix but personally nmcot. Sad thing is, Ursus (PP) luvs white women but they find him repulsive… he said that yrs ago.

Hobbying totally skews my perspective… some fairly hot silver haired white ladies look @ me hopefully … I should b in their league based on my age but… I barely notice them. I don’t like white gals, don’t like old gals… can’t stand chubby… older Asians, slim & still firm? Ah! MCOT.
Some younger fit guys do go 2 spas… but the gals prefer us older guys bcuz we keep coming back! That guys gonna getta gf soon & bbye
Not wanting 2 disagree w u, likely lotsa guys who hobby who ain’t young & fit, but… many of us could certainly have relationships… some actually do!

…. But, I don’t wanna gf … or wifey … 2 much trouble… I just want sex w younger sexy Asian girls.