Not much at all really. But if you go into a thread and start talking about something totally off point, 3 pages in, and don't make much sense when you do, you'll be called on it.
I mean, cg gets razzed for all his girl on girl pics, I get razzed for standing on a soap box a little too long, and I'm sure there's others. It's all part of being in the group.
Gen promoted herself to defender of all things female and used to jump all over me (and not in a good way lol) whenever I posted anything on the man/woman dynamic. I just asked her politely to stop, and she did.
As I said though, if you want to hang out with the boys, you have to be able to stand on your own two feet and of all the places on the net, I think this should be ONE place where a guy doesn't have to pussy foot around and embrace everyone's unique sensitivities. I mean, here we should be able to act like guys and by that I mean: I've been called a fucking asshole by friends and called them Fuckhead and 20 minutes later we're watching the hockey game. Here though? You do that and you get sent to Banned Camp.
I think what the problem with some of the civvie women who come here is the fact that sp's seem to be tougher somehow than civvies. Take amber for example (and oh I'd love to 'take' her lol), she gets along fine here. But Bliss wasn't/isn't an sp and can't handle it. So maybe she would be better off over at say POF or somewhere where there are an equal number of women and it's less locker room. I mean, I go there to talk about other things and in a manner befitting the environment.