I've worked with several children now. One of them a pregnant 13 year old. :'( One was a kid with severe wryneck from being thrown around by a bully. Both of these two came into the clinic where I work part-time, so I wasn't given much choise as to whether I'd work on them or what they would be charged. I definately aproached them with some trepidation however. As the happy bunny upstairs noted, People have some preconcieved ideas about male MT's. I have to believe that some of those are born from fear or their own ethics issues. But no dwelling on the negative. I also work with several children with special needs. Several of them are autistic, and though the sessions are of a very sort duration, they go a long way to open these kids to their surroundings. As for what to charge, I don't know. That's something I do pro-bono. (pennance?)