Not sure whether is the same tomboy you have mentioned, i sure have my fair share of this dude some years back in the land of tomatoes. I usually went to this tn after a game of sports, etc dat fateful day after parking my ride in the mscp behind the shop and enter thru the back dooor - to my horrific surprise
, me was greeted by tomboyish's dude, they were already in the midst of the av process!
Patrons and WLs were positioned in either areas (in this case in the Reviewont near recept, while guest at the back b4 the exit areas) with usual unReviewiendly questioning tones here and there.
Long stroies short, in my case she asked, "Why are here and for what?". I candidly replied, "This is a massage/ tuina shops are meant for this purpose, what do you think i come here for".
She further asked, "Is this your first time and what do you come Reviewom the back instead?" I replied politely, "Well, i parked my car at the back of the mcsp and happened to see a signboard, thus i proceeded using the entrance behind the shop and mind you this is my first time you bet!".
A funny question she asked was, "Do you know this is not a legal shop doing this bussines, i replied and said i do not know, as a patron like going to any supermarket or shops, if they want to sell outdated or pirated product, how am i going to know form a consumer's point of vew?", with this they knew what i meant and shut-up and further threaten to ask all the girls to identify me, but none knew me you believed!"
After some further bla bla bla Q & A with my nric with them and with some writings here and there, and requested me to sign off on the statement and ask me not to come this place!