If you feel the need to be re-attuned, you can certainly do so. However, Reiki is all about intention. Personally I feel there is no need to learn symbols or even follow any "taught" steps for distance Reiki. Focus your intention and let it flow. Using a photo or surrogate (like a teddy bear) for the person receiving can help you set the intent.While I don't wish to start a debate, I am not big on levels nor on attunements. I know Reiki I practitioners who channel more energy than "Masters". It's about practice, and working on yourself to become the clearest channel you can be, and it's about intent. I eventually came to the opinion that attunements were sort of like having someone wave a magic wand over you, proclaiming in a deep voice, "Now you are a Reiki I", which strikes me as silly. It also reminds me of certain religious practices that place the head of the church (minister, priest, whatever) as closer to God than the rest of us common folk. Just as I believe you don't need to "go through" anyone else in your place of worship to reach your Highest Guide, I also believe you can receive a direct reiki attunement directly from Source just by very consciously asking for it.However, this is an opinion I have come to after many years and standard attunements. If you are interested in Reiki, I still recommend going the traditional route for Reiki I, then see where it leads. Once you are on the path, you'll know what level you are at and when to ask for more. The traditional steps for distance reiki and all the symbols are available in Diane Stein's Essential Reiki. Contrary to centuries of warnings, she was not struck by lightening after revealing all the reiki secrets. This gift now belongs to everyone.Blessings to all,Sally