I don't ask for extras. I comment on how good the massage is, or I talk to the girl to make her comfortable. If she puts on a towel, I don't pull it off. Generally you get to a point of ambiguity where she can tell that she has made you aroused, and in that case I still don't ask for anything, and I don't try to put her hand there. I might make a comment sometime such as "That feels sensual. I like that." Often she will "accidentally brush" my genitals, but she is likely just trying to see my reaction. Once she feels comfortable--maybe on the first visit, and maybe on a second or third visit, extra activities tend to develop. In the meantime, no one could accuse you of having come to a legitimate massage place to ask for inappropriate services. Oftentimes, the girl will ask you, at a certain point, if you would like for her to do something. When that happens, it's okay to say yes, you would like it.