Thursday: An offer I couldn't refuse and Twilight Zone once again.
Thursday 18.15, Location Dessert.
The last thing
Sandra said to me was : "You came tomarrow, me and
Kristina will show you good time".
This was an offer that sounded too good to refuse.
I don't want to drag you guys thru yet another shillike babbeling on the wonders of Dessert, so let me just move on by saying Sandra was right.
Besides, things were only starting to get interesting.
22.00, Location Hotel Ambassador Wenzel SQ.
I was once again driven back to the Square and needed something to eat.
After that I was pretty bored so I drifted around aimlessly in order to find out what to do.
I remembered ledrak99s babble on Viktorie and with some generel idear of where it was, I went on my merry way.
It was easy for me to find.
Take tram numer 5,9 or 26 to the stop Husinecka and you will find it right next to
The adress for Nightclub Viktorie is Seifertova 39.
Update: This is the link to Victorie:
22.15 Location Marthy.
First I checked out Marthy and the relaxed atmosphere they advertise.
This is true I was greeted by the bartender a young short darkhaired czech girl and a blond milf sitting at the bar.
Nobody else was there.
I looked at them, I said goodbye and left.
22.17 Location, two doors down, Nightclub Viktorie.
First off there is a 200kc entry fee but you get a free drink.
The girl who greeted me was a hot darkhaired girl in a stunning white outfit made of nylon with dalmatian pattern.
'Cruella de Ville' was Veronica or Victoria and she escorted me to the bar.
I sat down and looked around, it is small nothing fancy place.
The bartender was watching CSI on NOVA, the czech TV-station and minded his own business.
There were 5 girls, two girls looked exactly the same, it was Cruella de Ville and her clone, then there was a girl who looked like Nelly Furtado, a girl who looked like a librarian and finally a chunky one.
They were sitting and chatting among themselves.
The atmospere reminded me of Dessert. Low key, no pressure, nothing fancy.
This place had potential but since I was sort of outfucked I excused myself and went back to Wenzel SQ.
23.00 Location various clubs around Wenzel Sq.[WS]
First off they all look and offer more or less the same.
There are shows and striptease.
So the prices may have been mixed up.
Cabaret Prestige on WS has free entry and offer sex for 2000 for 20mins.
Sugars 200kr entry 2200 for 20 mins.
Gogo Paradise entry 200 , 2400 for a BJ 3200 for sex.
At gogo the girl told me to say to the manager I was getting a BJ, but she would offer full service.
I wouldn't go for it, if she would rip off her boss, imagine what she would do to you. entry 100kc free drink and they offer only strip.
0030 Location Kabaret Prague Wenzel Square 17.
The czech hawker standing outside started his usual chat and since I had nothing better to do, I followed him inside.
Have any of you ever wondered, where did your favorite girl go after she stopped working at your favorite club??
The answer to your question is Kabaret Prague.
Any veteran of Prague, [highlight]Bad Mr Frosty[/highlight] in particular will see many familiar faces.
I once again found myself in an episode of the Twilight Zone entitled:
The Ghosts of Mongering Past
I walked down the stairs to bar area, and the first face I saw was a familar one.
It was
A, she is a very slutty looking Polish (I think) girl who has large tatooes, she was always the life of the party at her old club and it was the same here.
Next to her was a brunette
M from the same club and a blonde
D yet another girl from that club.
Anyway I was recognised and pulled over to say hello to them and two other friends. I think they did it more to get some attention from the other guys.
Perhaps, the guys based on the 'Monkey do rule' would go over to see what the 5 girls had to offer.
After some chat I moved over to get my two shot drink that was part of the entry fee.
Oh my God, standing in the bar was
J, she poited at me the moment she saw me and and her brunette cousin
D turned around.
Are the girls having some sort of convention

, WTF is going on.
It was 'Twilight Dessert' reversed, at Dessert I knew the location but no girls.
At Kabaret Prague I didn't know the location, but all the girls.
I had been there 5 mins and knew 4 girls there intimetly and later also counted several girls from
There was once again a huge hello,
J works there only as stripper and the other was there to check the place out.
Anyway she had to work and went into the next room which was a large room with tables and a stage where various acts like bellydance, a skeleton doing hoolahoops and a cancan show, took place between striptease performed by my old friend and others.
I found a quiet corner a downed my drink to calm myself, when a slinky blonde turned up.
She looked like Barbie, she was a 9.
I checked her shoes, it is a rookie mistake not to check the girls footwear, sometimes a long blonde is infact a short dwarf without her boots on.
Kabaret Barbie made her intro, I told her it was my first time there.
"I don't believe you, you knaw evrybady" was he broken English reply.
She must have seen me in the bar.
I told her I knew the girls from elsewhere, she told me she was ex-K5.
We had now bonded over the fact that we were both refugees from other clubs and were thrown together in the romatic surroundings of Kabaret Prague.
So I listened to her pitch, 2200 ckr for 20 mins.
She was hot, I was horny so I went for it and expected it to be totally crap.
It was a standard room, a shower in the corner and a bed.
I actually got my value for money, her performance was much better than expected.
I went back to
J and for old times sake I bought a lapdance from her.
We talked some more until
J had to work and I went home to bed.
Kabaret Prague, this is the place I would choose if I had to go to a club near Wenzel Square.
The facts:
Entry 300kc with 5 free beer (Krusoviche the cheapest beer in CR right?) or two shots of wodka or Whiskey, also cheap stuff.
The girls are freelancers who either works as strippers or providers.
The strippers gives performances on stage or in front of you on a table if you are a group and will pay for it.
1500kc will get you a lapdance.
The providers offer 20 mins fully covered sex for 2200kc in a standard room.
The overall rating on this thursday was 8, they had some hot women there.
Offcourse the amount, look and performance of the girls change every day so YMMV.
0315. Location, my bed. Sleeping
0445. Location, my bed wide awake after some really weird dream.
It was strange to meet so many girls I had fucked previously in one day.
Counting the 5 girls I said goodbye to at Dessert plus the 4 I met in Kabaret Prague made 9 girls in one evening.
To be continued in message 83.