Just my 2 cents worth:
1) If you're going to protest canada's practises, why do it now? You can protest what canada does any day of the week at Queen's park or the Parliment Buildings in Ottawa
2) WTF are the elderly and children doing ANYWHERE near any of this? Are they fucking insane? If I was a cop I'd be walking among those children and removing them from the area and arresting the parents for reckless endangerment.
3) I'm actually surprised there aren't more beatings by the police. If ANYONE is part of ANY protest, and it starts to turn ugly, Get the fuck outta the area. You don't have to be einstein to realize that if the police feel like they're in danger, they WILL attack and defend themselves. Just like citizens, if you're part of a group that is being approached by a larger group, they WILL defend themselves.
How can anyone be surprised that the police will use force? If you're there, and approaching a line of police, if you DON"T stop before a certain point, someone's going to get hurt.
There is a time and place to protest. This isn't it. Why not protest when there isn't a line of riot gear laden police standing in your way? Why not protest when you can form 1,000's of people in front of a government buidling with NO police presence? Oh, because there is no risk of confrontation.
Peaceful protests do NOT include confrontations with anyone........
My congrats to the police force for self control. I'm actually surprised there haven't been any reported deaths or severe injuries.....
BTW: who do you think they are protesting TO? Certainly not any of the bigwigs. They are miles away behind closed doors and won't hear about any of this until days later.
The only people you are protesting TO are the police guarding the safe zones. BFD do you think they care?