1. I support the Military, RCMP, TPS, Corrections and ISU.
The CSIS director is an idiot for speaking to on the National, Plain and Simple.
Laison from the ISU should have been: P.O.s Office, RCMP Office, Chief's Office al
coordinating their efforts.
The goal was to ensure the I.P.Ps safety & security, and to gaurd the fence!
This was done and was successful. They should have intervened Saturday in full
force and hard.
It's understandable that citizens don't see the appropriateness of the response;
they tried to be "hands off" and use of numbers on Saturday. In fact, when the
windows were broken, cars ablaze and others being pelted is when immediate
reaction should have occured.
For the record, in my opinion, the Military should have been running the security
Red Zones and I.P.P. areas.
The Police Units, should have been blocking the secondary redzone and protecting the ancillary streets. The Private security firms should have been in teams of 6-8 spaced along Yonge St and given power to contain, restrain, detail and arrest.
The undercover units should have had better position among those wearing black attire and detain when masked or vandalizing started.
2. Without question, both Summits should have been held at the Toronto CNE grounds. Road closures, redirection, convoys could have been facilitated much easier.
3. The media centre was at the CNE and Summit could have been too.
4. The fenced off red zones would be much easier to have managed and Military/Police air support could have been utilized.
5. Water cannons should have been brought in, and the disruptive alarm could have been sounded. Another tactic would be playing "THE BAY CITY ROLLERS MUSIC or EVEVATOR music on the loudsystem. People would leave.
6. If there are 4000 protestors, 400 are solely there to wreak havoc, 400 will get involved at a lessor amount, 400 will be idiots and question the police. That's 30%
That means that the potential targets were dealt with. Those Black Bloc members will be caught; however, catch one another one joins, just like the Taliban. Those little Black Bloc rats come out from under their rocks.
7. For those who were caught up innocently, as some are saying. They heard or saw what happened on Saturday, and they made poor decisions to be in those general areas. When an officer asks to show identification, you are only looking for the confrontation by arguing or refusing to do so. Who's lacking in common sense there? The lookie-lous, you didn't need to put yourself in a hot zone. No empathy from me for your stupidity. Where is your common sense, you became part of the problem, the solution would have been to stay home or not be in that general area.
8. No all the different protest groups that were there. None of them communicated amongst each other. None of them had prepared speeches. CUPE was the only one that really had a plan. If these organizations had 1/4 of a brain, they would have had meetings of their leaders. They would have put the word out to the good folks, if you see masked idiots, people with weapons, molotov cocktails, inform someone! Police, other protesters, etc. I did see one young man tell a young woman who had a bandana on to not associate with his group of friends.
9. When an Officer tells you to move in crisis situations like this weekend. Just do it and don't be stupid about it. Oh, I don't resist arrest, that's is an entirely different charge under the C.C.C.
10. G20 Detention Unit: There were 12 cameras strategically placed so everything is on film as was being monitored from different areas in Toronto and Barrie. There was ample EMS and Police Meds there. In fact, where do you think they got ice, bandaids, gauze, peroxide, slings, stitches. On site, at G20 Detention, where detainees were offered sandwiches and water and given when they wanted it. It was the same with medications, oh yeah, medications or allegies that are musts, you should get a medic-alert bracelet. Port-a-potties, no doors due to safety measures-some dummy may stick their head in potty. Toilet paper is rationed in detention centre. If you really want more BYOBW.
Accommodations for the evening or two are not Hazelton! So STFU! You're a detainee in detention, being processed for a bail hearing. You made a choice to attend a protest that got ugly and when ordered was established you were in the middle of it or causing it. So now, you get to sit on your ass on the very cold floor, in a very cold building, which is not your mommies and daddies nice homes. No, you don't get a blanky, a teddy bear or a bedtime story. On second thought, here's a bedtime story-One day this girl who thinks she's gonna be a big shot and protest in a hot zone, gets arrested, spends the better part of a weekend in detention where there is no bubble bath, no milk and cookies, no mommy/daddy-Just you and your new criminal friends. So STFU Buttercup!