Fellow mongers, especially come2ak, jwochart, krullhunter and one other monger
I've been back in India for a couple of years now and in this time, I've managed quite a bit of mongering. My mongering has been limited to 2 brokers in Bangalore, who have always provided me the required white booty. Somehow I have preferred white booty always. However, these brokers have been unresponsive to me, as in, their phones are switched off. I have provided their numbers to a few fellow forum members to use. If you have tried these numbers lately, and gotten a message of "switched off", I want to pass on the message that it is not because I gave you guys the wrong number. I am facing the same problem as well.
come2ak has been more than courteous in giving me contacts. Guys, we need to, as the Spanish say, "Salut" him. He has been a real good player and, even better, an honest person.
jwochart, although we had a rough start where the numbers I gave you did not acknowledge your calls, I sense you understand. And I appreciate it as well.
krullhunter, you were the first one to send me a PM for an MP in Bangalore. I did have a couple of visits there. Appreciate it.
So, at this point, I don't have numbers for "Russian" providers. My personal preference is that I take the girl to a hotel of my choice and spend the time there. I feel more secure that way. I've seen that some brokers are not happy with that option. Understandable. But if any of you fellow mongers are aware of brokers who would be open to that option, I would greatly appreciate the information. Of course the main course needs to be white booty.
Any help is appreciated. No help does not mean a bad thing either

Everything is a choice, right?
Thanks guys!!