Something profound hit me in one of the comments following my first review. Muddy being the master and keen observer that he is, had said, 'When I started I just wanted a good massage and a handjob.' Damn said I, that's all that I wanted.
Then it became, well you want her good looking? Well yeah. Really good looking, like really hot? Sure! Well, you want her naked? Hell ya! How bout her rubbing herself up and down you in an artistic performance that would rival any masterpiece created from the Renaissance period? Um, is that a trick question?
Somewhere along the line, the massage hardly mattered.
So it was with Muddy's words of wisdom that I went back and tried to capture some of my original intent.
Up Sources, past Salon Chic, gave them a call and told to come right in. Unlike a lot, I had no problem with the setup. Unless you're riding around in a yellow Hummer, that advertises to the world who you are, your grey Japanese box should pretty much blend in. Mmmm, Hummers.
Anyway, dentist to the right, massage to the left, I just had to decide what I wanted pulled.
So left it was.
I walk in and there is a surprisingly good looking blonde with some serious sweater puppies. I'm figuring this must be Sandra...I didn't ask for anybody on the phone and I figured this seemed like I who I would likely get given there was only one other car in the parking lot.
She tries to sell me for 1/2 hour, hadn't figured on that. I said I was hoping for an hour and we compromise at 45 minutes. $50, this is what I paid for an hour for my first massage somewhere else, thought for a second I was being taken, but no, that's the cost, no worries there.
She wearing a white sweater, black stretch pants, black boots, looking quite immaculate.
I'm ushered in a nice room and asked if I needed to take a shower. I didn't really need one having just showered at home, but I figured it's a matter of respect to whoever is massaging you. Not only to be clean, but make sure they know you're clean. Still, it was becoming evident she was pressed for time.
I promised to be quick. "Take shower, get on table, head goes there Iwas ordered."
Yes ma'am.
Mmmm, good massage. I don't have a much to compare it to but this was good. No
I'm told to flip and she asks me "If I know how it works?" Seems it was working pretty good at this point, but I just told her yeah.
She went to work on my front and I caressed her thigh. "You want touch, Iget naked." Ouch! I didn't really need her to stop and get undressed for oh, 90 seconds and pay thru the nose for it. I said no thanks, next time.
She continued, I finished, and in that tender moment that follows a moment of extasy, her phone rang. Look at the clock, bang, 45 minutes on the nose. Jump in the shower, get changed, and she feverishly readying room for next client.
Time was tight, this had potential to be disaster. But all things considered, it went pretty well. Tipped $40, hoping that this would bring me a bit more next time.