I dunno Fireballs, but I think you're a bit heavy handed here.
No question about it, Samp was in a bad spot and even he knew he was going to jail. His bud does not work the business with him and was in fact an innocent bystander. He is not involved in Sampson's business. And we all like whores -some more than others so that is a road to nowhere.
The second guy was not "Mysterious," he is a good friend who happened to help Sampson out when his car broke down. Happens all the time. He wasn't "mixed up" in anything, it was simply a bad timing issue.
You would be an "innocent" bystander if you were walking on Constitution with a druggie street guy following you and hounding you for money, or to take you to a "special" place where they have young girls, wouldn't you? Try telling that to the cops.
La Mesa prison is no piece of cake and it ain't no fucking piece of pie. Going in with no clear indication of when or if you are getting out is a bit unsettling and to some worth the $3000 bribe to stay out. The money was suppposed to kick Sampson also but the cops were dirty (but you already kew that). This shit happens all the time.
Our "mysterious" second guy didn't act like a rookie, he handled it well. He stayed out of jail in a situation where he could easily have gone along with Sampson for the ride becuase the cops were dirty. The ONLY reason he didn't go was because he got the money and THAT was based on the lie that Sampson would be cut loose when he paid; something that didn't happen. If "Mystery Man"
was a suspect, he would have gone for the ride and would have entered prison.
You would have to know Sampson and the other players to get a true picture. There was a lot more going on than just Sampson waiting for his money. It was a setup from the get-go. The cops made their money, no need to show up to court for a dog case. IF you read the case file, you'd agree it was a dog case.
There's an old saying that my mother uses: "Play with the bull and you get the horns." This is true in Mexico in almost anything you do since you are subject to detention and harrassment by the cops at any time for any reason, mostly around meal times and holidays like Christmas. Certainly Sampson was involved in "high risk" behavior, but he was set up --plain and simple. Set up poorly but set up.
Don't read too much more into it, there is no "cloak and dagger" or "hokus-pokus" event here.
Country John
No question about it, Samp was in a bad spot and even he knew he was going to jail. His bud does not work the business with him and was in fact an innocent bystander. He is not involved in Sampson's business. And we all like whores -some more than others so that is a road to nowhere.
The second guy was not "Mysterious," he is a good friend who happened to help Sampson out when his car broke down. Happens all the time. He wasn't "mixed up" in anything, it was simply a bad timing issue.
You would be an "innocent" bystander if you were walking on Constitution with a druggie street guy following you and hounding you for money, or to take you to a "special" place where they have young girls, wouldn't you? Try telling that to the cops.
La Mesa prison is no piece of cake and it ain't no fucking piece of pie. Going in with no clear indication of when or if you are getting out is a bit unsettling and to some worth the $3000 bribe to stay out. The money was suppposed to kick Sampson also but the cops were dirty (but you already kew that). This shit happens all the time.
Our "mysterious" second guy didn't act like a rookie, he handled it well. He stayed out of jail in a situation where he could easily have gone along with Sampson for the ride becuase the cops were dirty. The ONLY reason he didn't go was because he got the money and THAT was based on the lie that Sampson would be cut loose when he paid; something that didn't happen. If "Mystery Man"

You would have to know Sampson and the other players to get a true picture. There was a lot more going on than just Sampson waiting for his money. It was a setup from the get-go. The cops made their money, no need to show up to court for a dog case. IF you read the case file, you'd agree it was a dog case.
There's an old saying that my mother uses: "Play with the bull and you get the horns." This is true in Mexico in almost anything you do since you are subject to detention and harrassment by the cops at any time for any reason, mostly around meal times and holidays like Christmas. Certainly Sampson was involved in "high risk" behavior, but he was set up --plain and simple. Set up poorly but set up.
Don't read too much more into it, there is no "cloak and dagger" or "hokus-pokus" event here.

Country John