Before everyone gets their knickers in a bunch, there is more to this story...
Blissful, you and I started playing this game quite some time ago... albeit, on a different board, I don't recall the exact circumstance, but if memory serves it had something to do with people wearing spandex... I made a comment saying that "some people" just shouldn't... and then you challenged me to "put my money where my mouth was & post my pic in my cycling gear, which I did (from the neck down- same pic I have posted here from time to time) Then, jokingly I responded with "your turn" with the appropriate smiley to make sure you knew I was kidding... Then a couple days later (and prompted I'm sure by the fact that I'm always talking about her), you challenged me to post pics of Mrs. CG... I explained that I have posted her pic from time to time and I EVEN pointed you in the right direction... :???:
Anyway, blissful you then disappeared for a few months and I forgot about the whole thing. Until yesterday when you asked for pics of Mrs. CG again. THAT is why I responded the way I did.
Also... (since some people seem to be getting irritated over this...) I have never asked for anyone's naked pic. OK... maybe from ang of Mrs. ang, but that is a running joke which we both play with each other. LOL :he:
So now you know the rest of the story...
And for god sakes... PLEASE don't get the guys to post naked pics of themselves! (Especially ang! :gasp