I guess u merit kudos tryna talk w the

troll... however, I think yer observations help everyone, so I guess it scarcely matters 2 whom they are addressed...
I had a gr8 time w Coco... 4 years ago, a wk b4 the

lockdowns... not promoting any girl or spa, my honest appraisal, I've nvr promoted SL ... I luv spinners, & she's the ultimate spinner... but I have not seen her in such a long time... I liked her little ass BTW but if yer not into spinners u may appraise her differently...
I like Lilian's face... it's hard 2b objective about her, she took a liking 2me instantly, initiated LFK w/o me doing anything, always came up 2me & took my hand whenever I visited & she was there... Cherry & I joked that Lilian = 'my wife'

... in the rm, she initiated a few things I do not intend 2 share!
Most mbrs here no
@WhatsUpToday = a trusted reviewed who actually visits spas & sees the girls he reviews.... allotta guys here specialize in the good ol' fake review.