Jumpin’ Jack Flash
Known Reviewer
Good for getting back into guitar if away for a while or starting outAllow me.
Had a bad head injury close to 20 years ago.
In and out of hospitals for years, lost 3 houses and because of whole scenario,
yes I am broke. Enjoying what I do get from my retirement payments and
am pretty stable. Actually just picked up a guitar once again.
Next to zero medications and living life to the fullest, I do get
lonely but have family and close friends. I have always been a pretty
good looking guy so never have problems on that front.
Enjoy what I do for my dearest friends, spa owners and girls alike.
I go to a spa, I give them a hug and ask what can I do.
There you go, anything more you may add is more than likely a lie but what you
say over really doesn't hurt. Must have been you that told SL boss that I live
alone and she asked me, gave me a big hug.
Ah yes your beloved? .... until you stab them in the back, the ultimate betrayal, zero couth.
If you think you can belittle me, say your piece then shut the fcuk up!
Say what you wish fool.

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