Known Reviewer
The laws on prostitution are really confusing and not really enforceable. Bill C36 is bizarre .One OPP sting I can verify , they posted ad as 18 yr old SW, then replied, in actuality, theyre UNDER 16 YRS OLD… dudes who went anyway got arrested!
Dudes appealed, they were entrapped. Lost. Id go w READING GLASSES FOGGED UP defense! “Yer Honour, it looked like 19! Its the dang glasses… “
Seriously, why woulda girl reveal she’s underage when the guy’s already on his way? So obv its a cop.
Ontario Court of Appeal rejects entrapment argument in four cases arising from sting operation
Police sting operations targeting sex work clients are harmful to sex workers, says
So the OPP decided to advertise the sale of sexual services of minors which is illegal irregardless of the age of the prostitute. One guy caught in the sting argues that he believed that the advertised prostitute was really an adult pretending to be a minor which should not affect the decision as to whether the sting was entrapment or not but it did at the Supreme Court of Canada level.
So the message is that prostitution is legal unless minors are involved. Notice that LE only goes after underaged or human traffickers ( pimps that LE doesn’t) like.