Nice post! but you need to complete the taste test by rating the green peas, curly versus little hats. I share your outtrage and ponder what effect this might have on Singha sales.
Did my own test Thursday on Bangla on way back from a scorching day at the beach, about 4:30. Took me about an hour at a beer bar. A few mates at the bar, the beer tender girl and my 2 TG's were all interested in the results and none of them were aware of the change. I drank a Singha 5%, Tiger 5%, and a Chang 6.4%. The girls shared a Leo ( don't know the % Alc).
Results were as you stated. The Singha tasted like an iced beer, thin with no finish. The Tiger has better flavor and the Change was fuller flavor, longer finish and tasted more like a dark beer, which I like. For the last year, I have been a Singha'er. Liked it. No more. Chang for me. If they were to switch back to 6%, I would not. Stay with Chang. They lost me. Have never tried the Leo, but if it's the choice of the two hot TG's I was with, that's good enough for me to try it.
This constitues my trip report also, since I had just arrived in patong 8Am for 5 days, but was jerked back to Singapore Friday 8AM and now USA for medical emergency for my 17 year old son. Passing time in waiting room at hospital reading the forum.