As a longtime subscriber to Soldier Of Fortune-- read Issue #1 when it first came out, I was in the USMC-- let me add:
SOF used to host conventions in Las Vegas (called Firebase Las Vegas) and THOSE cats were scary. What with the seminars on "XX Ways to Kill (Silently)" and such. One noted that most of the serious (that is, scarred) types generally sported bald heads and bushy mustaches. Probably a hygiene thing. I did note that tattoos were _at most_ subtle and understated. The vendors area was otherworldy... my favorite item was fireproof panties. Black, skimpy bikinis, no mention of a cool cotton panel.
SOF used to be a lot more fun when they ran "personal services" ads. So far, I have known personally a handful of the cats mentioned in the various articles, worked with one while in 2nd Force Recon although he was only referred to by his nickname.
To keep on-topic: Is the OP's goal to travel thousands of miles to an exotic destination, and then drink alone? Farangland would seem to offer an infinite number of watering holes in which one can be ignored by the distaff element. But to each his own, I suppose.