It helps a woman if she herself is turned on. I did not know until a couple of months ago that during arousal a woman's vagina lengthens and her cervix lifts up and out of the way. Woman do not walk around with open vaginas. This is why forced sex is not only traumatizing but physically painful. As men we know with civilians we have to turn women on, they just cannot spread her legs for us while playing Candy Crush. Of course lube helps, but the woman has to be in the right place mentally, foreplay is needed. When an MPA is teasing you she is also preparing herself - maybe she is thinking about you, or just something she likes about you, or the power she has over you, the idea of sex itself, or she is thinking about someone else. Now they may be only turned on enough so their bodies can receive us, but it is a factor. And personally, my best sex is with a woman who is not only technically proficient but seems to be having fun.