Im With Gladitor + nppcomgr................ work in spain your full of shit

In your P.M to me Ale said he was mari's husband, boyfriend or husband ?? it dont matter my point is your full of shit.
The only husband/wife or boyfriend/girlfriend team on mpnet (probably)
Or maybe Ale/mari is the same person !!!
Anyway my last night in Sofia this visit, i did mention lions bridge before for street walkers for anyone who likes a little danger, well it seem's there is street camara's there now and i only saw 2 girls, they were rough maybe 2 out of 10, before there were some looker's, now the police petrol the area all the time looks like the want to clean up the street action, or maybe its too cold.
On the subject of speaking english, i speak russian and english, Russian and Bulgarian share many words and grammer so i dont have language problems, i went to an apartment today there were only 3 girls none spoke english, yesterday evening there were 5 girl's 2 spoke some english, so in my suvey 2 out of 8 Bulgarian girls speak english

When you go to an apartment its no problem if you dont speak Bulgarian, press the bell on the door go in they know why you are there a man will show you the girls, you choose he will explain if you want to stay in the apartment with her or take her to your hotel/apartment it dont cost extra to go to hotel/apartment and time will start when you arrive in the Hotel/A..... maybe the girl will ask for money for her taxi to return to the apartment, no need to pay her but if you want 5lev is enough, i dont know how much of the 50lev you paid for her she will receive, i always give the girl 10lev before we start tell her its for her, for a taxi or a drink after work, but i hope she will give a better service because of this tip