I think everyone has had this happen.
Fact remains, if there is a receptionist there is much more control and accountability.
My regulars I talk to always, BUT, never book with the girls, always book with the manager.
Another consideration here.
I had one of the girls say (naturally I no longer visit her), but she said a 1 hour appointment cost her money.
Her rational, she had to wait for me at my appointment time (lets say 7pm), the walk-in comes in at 6.40pm she had to decline and let another girl take the walk in.
My time is 1 hour, and another walk in comes in and the other girl takes the walk in again, so her rational was was this.
My appointment visit tip $100 and room fee $30 total of $130 VS the other girl, 2 half hour walk ins min tip $100 (2 x $50) , and two room fees at $10 each ($20). so $120. BUT ...
She could have, 2 half hour walk ins $160 (2 x $80), and two room fees $10 each ($20), could mean $180.
This girl naturally a hustler was prepared to take her chances, and lose a regular. But fact remains, her math is likely accurate, certainly close to break even.
This one had the audacity to advise me "NOT TO VISIT TOO OFTEN, MABYE ONCE A MONTH", she never saw me again (except in the hall way)!
Not being overly educated, one might suggest her chances longer term were better with a good regular, who will bring a few "nice things, gift cards" etc from time to time and a more stable income.
I think many of the girls are like bulls in bullfight, they see red (cash) and charge ... not enough regard for the longer term opportunites.
Overall I'd suggest most of these issues are alleviated if there is a manager to ensure regular customers get the time they booked. Frankly I won't wait more than 5 minutes, 10 minutes I'm dressed and on the way out.
For those in this area a long time - formerly Kathy at Comfort Foot was famous for this, a 1pm appointment time she would run in 20 or 30 minutes behind schedule, all day long, sometimes seeing 12, 13 or 14 customers in a day.
I guess it helps to be popular, HA!
I'd be interested in comments long this line as well.