Please pm spaMy first FR... From a spa I visited last week...
Apologies in advance if it's not upto standards !!
Spa Name - name of famous country, New Link Road, Andheri West
Called up the spa & set up appointment and confirmed about NB coupon. Got it for Rs.799 and was on my way.
Reached venue but was made to wait 1.15 hours as they were apparently understaffed that day (then why did he set-up appointment in the first place?)
Then it started - was asked to change to dispo and soon after a NE girl walked in.. was slightly disappointed as she was a little plump and looks were just OKish. The aroma massage started and after few minutes she initiated the conversation. Felt she was slightly talkative (or maybe since I don't speak much!). Mentioned she's from NE and she's new to this business and wants to learn the tricks & trades of this business, so she may start on her own someday. Overall the massage was good - she seemed genuinely interested and apologized 1-2 times in case she wasn't good enough ! She gave no hints and so I thought extras were out of bounds. Towards the end she asked if I liked it & I took the opportunity to jokingly say 'only partially because no extras were offered'. She said I didn't ask so how would she know ? (Fair point actually). Asked her for price and she didn't seem to know - instead asked me how much I can pay. I insisted on her quoting the price and she said 500. Agreed and she starts HJ. More of a frontal massage in the beginning along with the balls at the beginning. Meanwhile she didn't resist when I touched her all over. So asked her if she could go TL and she agreed. Not so great boobs - average size. Had a good time pressing them. Sucked on them a bit but she would quickly keep withdrawing from the position. She kept saying my body was hot (maybe bluffing or maybe they all say that) & I had to return the compliment without really meaning it. She was lying down next to me for better access to her boobs. In between also rode on my cock with her jeans on. As time ran out she said I'm taking too long to cum and to do it fast (not sure if this is a standard trick cos it happened with me even in Thailand!). Then she started stroking harder and soon game over. She cleaned up and got me fresh towel for shower. I came back from shower to change and she popped in again to tell me to visit again and take her name at the reception. She took my phone number and said goodbye and kissed both cheeks
Name - $#Ph!@
Service - 9/10 (cos of her genuine interest and no nakhras)
Looks & figure - 6/10
Damages - HJ + TL (500) + spa NB voucher (799). Total - 1299
Spa Rating - 5/10 (making me wait 1.15 hours)
WIR - Maybe but for different girl (there's another girl who took my voucher. She seemed like the senior masseuse there and was hot Indian girl)
Hope it helps.. suggestions/feedback welcome.
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