Known Reviewer
Sorry, this is a stream of consciousness, I just needed to express myself. Clarence Thomas was wined and dined by a billionaire, given gifts whose total value is many times his salary and has consistently acted in the interests of the ownership class. His sugar daddy claims business was never discussed, and that could actually be true. He did not have to ask for anything, Clarence knew that the gifts and hanging out with the super rich would stop if he did not do what he needed to do to keep the good times going. Overt corruption is much easier to identify and stop. Subtle corruption works extremely well, especially when there are huge imbalances in power. This is also true in regular life. Often a person or organization with a little bit of power will promote and reward people who do things that are not asked of them, but who figure out and do what is desired of them. Or think about a rich person who dates a poor person - he or she is much more likely to compromise themselves and do what they need to stay in the orbit of the person with the power. When the powerful do not give orders or offer explicit quid pro quos, they keep their hands clean, and any consequences are only suffered by the useful idiots that they seduce.