Thanks for the great reviews iv had some very pleasant moments because of them.
What we look like cant be helped, we are who we are so if they don’t like it screw them, it helps to keep a bottle of breath freshener in the car if you just had lunch prior going there.
What they say behind our backs has absolutely no importance after all don’t forget who is paying who?.
I have had some pretty nice conversations with a few of them, the impression I always get is that they don’t understand why some of them are always booked solid and some have to settle with what the cat drags in, I tell them to think real hard and figure it out, most girls don’t give massages worth a bang and don’t allow the guy to have any fun most guys don’t come her for fs otherwise they would seek out escorts and on most cases at a cheaper rate than most mp charge.
I tell them to relax and go with the flow otherwise its have a nice day and good bye.
They also tell me they don’t discuses what happens in the rooms amongst each other and I believe it because when they ask if others do what I want them to do I always respond by saying that yes they do and the only reason you’re here is because I didn’t make an appointment and you were the only one available. Never tell them this girl does this and that girl does that this is a sure way to kill the ambiance.
Using these techniques can most times render mileage if it doesn’t then you know that the girl has made to much money that day and is gona do her best imitation of a robot.