True, likely Marilyn age < Crystal’s
… but…
A wise woman once said, u don’t become a mailman if u hate walking … a job where u get a hard dick

2 handle 4 each client… she must find that a bit fun… likely she’s a bit horny

Girls just luv it when u like their bodies… without fail, if I notice an attractive woman while shopping, give her a big smile… she’s gonna find a way 2 keep returning 2 my gaze … even if she’s got no serious interest, she can’t resist … like a cat

basking in the sunshine!

So funny… still looking @ that orange, picking it up, putting it down… stealing a glance, make sure I’m looking …
If Marilyn gets that sunshine…. Mebbe those boobs come out a lil easier… esp if she’s shur u will admire them!
Just imagine … she’s msging u

, there’s banter, lafter, bf-gf vibe, giggling, complements, flirting, u talk about returning every week 4 her… she feels gd 2b in the rm… u2… getting time 4 flip… she tells u $40 hj w touchng… u ask, oh Marilyn, I’d luv 2c them…. Just my thing, perfect size…
And she goes, $

Everything stops.
The rm gets quiet.
She can feel it.

Doesn’t like it. A potential reg just got insulted. Mebbe he’s now not gonna come back.
She’s gonna wanna bring him back!

Get that vibe going again! It’s fun 2b in rm w this guy when he’s happy, she thinks.
How’s she gonna do that? She nose. Every other girl asks $60.
“Ok hunney, just 4u, topless = $60”
That’s how it can work. Key = u gotta create that happy vibe, make her believe (mebbe the truth) yer a future reg.