… well, my vehicle

shur gets better mileage than yer car

I think u meant 2 reply 2 Mr Redrooster, not me…
Fascinates me how cycling

ends up being worthy of discussion… we got spa related things 2 discuss!
Just like kj luvs

golfing b4 visiting a spa… being out in the fresh air, exercising, challeging yerself… cycling does that, makes yer body feel alive, SINGING when u visit… sometimes I feel like I visited the spa just 2 give me an xxxcuse 2 ride up there!
Since only regulars 2 msgplanet no about my cycling connection, talkng 2 a nube about Mr Bicycle likely gonna confuse them...
… theres also this classist element who believe

cycling = sport 4 poor ppl, & try 2 disparage my use of a bike as indication Im not wealthy. Whatever.