So, when an mpa says, “oh yer so handsome / strong / big“, I appreciate that she SAID it, but yeah, I don’t believe

its true or even that she believes it…
… when WE say “yer so pretty / sexy / cute” … they DO

believe it… & hey, sometimes it IS true… & anyway u better say it whether its true or not…
This applies 2 young mpas 2… so flirting works

… & they‘d rather have a client that likes them & xxxpresses his joy then a grumpy

quiet dude of any age… personally I like 2 really lay it on, marvelling at their beauty…
So, that applies 2 any… but Im super careful 2 make shur a young one nose she’s in charge… older gals can b turned on a bit if u like them & take control a bit, but younger ones think yer gonna rape ‘m or something… I think that works, @ least 4 me… 4 shur, being friends w the mgr helps 2, but Ive been successful & unsuccessful 2 and been @ other spas, & this works 4me.
why, would i say i want to say she is pretty if she really isn't?