GFV = girl friend vibe = friendly, happy interaction, not a gal just providing a service but a gal who truly likes u & wants 2 make u feel gd, like shes got a crush on u … doesnt mean kissing or hi mileage, just feeling in the rm btwn u2
GFE = girl friend experience…

u no, I wish we din’t use this one, bcuz it has specific meaning that isnt allowed @ Bellagio… but neighbouring spas use it & @ semilegit spa, it does not mean sex since not allowed… in contrast to GFV, GFE (@ sl spas) means

kissing happens, YMMV, but not necessarily

mouth2mouth, likely body kissing… theres a few gals where it actually says DFK, then thats m2m
If u look @ todays roster…
- Jennifer = nuthin. Legit only

- Lena = GFV GFE …
… I must b totally losing it, not 4 me, mebbe some guys did better… the vibes there tho
- Vivi = GFV … so dont xxpect even body kissing… but I gotta gd feeling about her being one + rating already & working allot
- Sharon = GFV GFE … yes, not just vibe but very sexual xxperience, like a gf in back row of quiet movie theatre… I din’t get DFK but seems like its there…

- Cecelia = GFV GFE … lots written about her… ratings = justified.
- Lucy = no rating… but shes the ultimate GFV / GFE