Known Reviewer w Bad Grammar
It’s funny how jiminy likes 2 pretend some gr8 insider knowledge even on his fake ids, like JJB & JJF… but u display a much deeper insight into the biz …To play devil's advocate again. This is less a situation of boss asking employees. It's more like if I ask a gardener contractor to cut a tree, for more money, would he feel pressured?
As the saying goes. It's all business. And it's not small business. Go to PMall or some smaller Chinese malls if you want to see small business. Some literally each transaction is less than $10 less than $20. I walk by and think, they wouldn't be making much if they're swamped with customers, but they're not, even with the low price.
These girls are charging good amount per hour with a high-margin service business. And they don't need to file and pay taxes if they don't want to. It's all business, if they don't like the spa, they can leave, some other girl will happily take that money.
As someone else mentioned, if we talk about pressure. Instead of pressure from boss, more likely it's pressure from money going into the pockets of other girls.
No girl’s pressured 2 do anything… when Lucy hires them, she puts nuthin after their name, just TS, no pluses… even when they’re already doing quite a bit more @ least 4 some clients Pressure comes, as u observe, f/ watching other girls make allotta $$$…
… if a girl has + ++ or +++ after her name, it’s btwn Lucy & the girl… there’s no creepy male boss pressuring them 2 put out or get out … in fact, working 4 Lucy = 1 factor keeps many girls coming 2 work & staying even when biz gets tuff
I remember talking 2 Cherry when she’d been working about a wk… I asked her, “So the clients mostly really nice, right?” … her smile froze… obv she’d had a few bad ones… so I quickly changed topics… but having a nice boss like Lucy helps them hang in there when the going gets tuff. Now Cherry’s prolly most popular girl after Lucy…
… although since Cecelia added that extra +++ , she may re-ascend the throne …