Vivi = a newbie learning the ropes… no msg

xxxperience, & ofc no xxxperience on fun stuff …
… in beginning, she heard stories of guys
taking off w/o paying … so she got a bit paranoid asking about tips 2 early, which kills the mood 4 some guys … she stopped doing that but lost out on some Bellagio clients…
… while she’s not in Jennifer & Cherry’s league, she’s actually ok in delivering a

gd msg…
@snt86 gave her kudos 4 that, & he likes fairly hard msg… natural talent
She’s also not an early bird … as u can c on the schedule… & impatient 2 leave
if it isn’t busy… so she hasn’t seen as many clients as you’d think…
I think she’s … not a natural @ customer service, making a guy feel like a king… again, training, she’s getting better..,
Then… her menu stayed the same while other new girls added


LFK, DFK… they caught up 2 & passed her…
… I hope she stays.. she’s young, slim & pretty, very new 2 biz… we need more new girls & she could b a gr8 one w some patience & practice…
There’s no reason she HAS 2 add

DFK 2 her menu… she’s already got LTP

… but it wouldn’t hurt !

Ofc a gal needs 2b comfy doing that… Cecelia still isn’t & she’s doing ok…