Is Kelly still 100 legit only?
As far as I no… she has no history of workng in a spa w xxtras…

… certainly not as an escort or anything… shes literally a girl still getting an education…
OTOH … no more likely 2do fun xxxtras than yer avg nurse, dental hygienist, PSW, or hair stylist… these people touch u all the time 2 but generally dont do sex things…
OTOH… she spends time in a spa where giving hj

etc = normal & part of every massage

4 everyone xxxcep her… its quite possible they talk about it… she prolly notices some drive very xxxpensive cars…
… so u nvr no… she might start thinkng, geez, “massage that one lil part of a mans body, so easy, so much $$$”…
Bellagio is happy 2 have her giving legit msg only, & let the xxperts give u the HE if u ask…
So assume shes legit, don’t plan yer day otherwise…