Good guidelines. Do the guidelines apply to the 2 hours TS promotion?
Yes, even the promo rate she’s getting 1/2, so no need 2go crazy on tips…
Ofc… what’re u doing, eh?
When I took 2 hr TS sesh w our mutual friend whose hubby made her quit, A****a, I told her it’s gonna b

$140 tip, & no msg, all HE & DFK time!! I was just looking 4 max gf time… she decided 2nd SOG required!
But many guys, 2hrs sesh, mostly msg

plus 1 HE via whatever, bs, NR, Russian… tipping = 4 that… if yer gonna 2 more stuff, like I did, negotiate w the girl.
That’s why tips don’t hafta change… a HJ

during a 2 hr sesh = no more complicated than during 1/2 sesh…
So… do girls miss out on tips

by doing one client 2 hrs, mebbe just one $60 tip?
Well… she got $60 in her pocket even @ promo rate… then yer $60… that’s $120…
2hrs work. And some guys tip more than $60 … some do stuff like me, go 4 MSOG… so her earning potential increases allot.
… & client can become a reg… poor Marilyn blew it with that guy tho,

he’s nvr gonna b her reg client.
I think u gotta pick careful w 2 hr sesh… if there’s no chemistry, it’s not gonna b amazing 4u…