the thing about hot cousins: depends on where you live *eg*. In alabama? Hell, that's not frowned upon, it's ENCOURAGED lol......
As someone stated, if I'm involved with someone I don't play and since moving out of the big smoke, I've hit a dry spell. Going back to Toronto next week for a project, might try and squeeze a visit into my favourite incall. Hope they don't mind seeing me all dusty and sweaty..........
WHich reminds me of a funny story: so my ATF was coming over one weekday evening. So during the day I was drywalling (mudding and taping) a customer's house. So I stopped at the body shop on the way home, all covered in white dust, stinky, and you should have seen the LOOK on the customer's faces lol. Even the clerk was a little surprised when I walked in and said "I want some tsatsuma bubble bath and (forget the name) body wash..." Anyhow, I get home, shower like a mad man because drywall dust gets EVERYWHERE.
SO the ATF comes over, we proceed to the bedroom and get naked. As we're making out I get up to do something and she says to me: Now I know you showered before I came over, but I think you missed a spot: and yanked a chunk of dried wall compound stuck to some hairs on the back of my leg. YEOUCH but it was FUNNY....