Known Reviewer
The nightmare continues for the resident low life.Once upon a time Steve@TOG had dumped Krayjee as his shill and sampler at a discount. So Krayjee went to now defunct Jackie@toe88 and told him he can help build his agency because of his large following on terb.
Jackie bought the game so Krayjee had a field day. Krayjee had his eye on a young girl name Camo at TOE88. Like usual his standard pitch - he promised her a ton of cash by making her a star on Terb. Being dum naive and desperate for easy money, she agreed to meet him at his condo for life coaching and training . You know the whole father figure Svengali mentoring stuff.
So fast forward where get to the part were Camo became pissed and wanted no part of Krayjee at his place.
So Krayjee made her drink and they played music and singing. Sounds real innocent but Krayjee teaches her some things to try with clients. Camo was being videoed while performing all these different sex acts. Krayjee was pming these videos to his friends on Terb. Understand she just had turned 18.
read the whole thread, and now you know about what really happened at Krayjee place.
Steve@Tog was just hearing the storries from his gals. He was on the war path with Krayjee because Krayjee double crossed Steve. They were like real close.
Jackie@Toe88 had no idea this was going on, video taping, with every girl he sent over at Krayjee.
Camo was poached by Krayjee from Jacki@toe88 and sold to some oldguyzer guy who spent 65 K on her. Not a bad deal eh? Saved oldguyzer about 40k in agency fees?
After Camo dumped oldguyzer out of sheer boredom even tho the money was so sweet. Krayjee and gang started a negative review campaign on Terb when she returned to agency world. They threatened to out her to her parents living in west end . She changed her name and agency as well as used fake photo to hide from the krayjee terror and vengeance .
I hope LE considers what a scumbag KJ is when they arrest him
What a dirtbag this KJ is, why would anyone support a place he is associated with?

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