What you failed to leave out; is that Sunny is a constant shining light for which I, like many here, appreciate most for her routine, consistency, quality, and amazing smile.
I can’t count how many times I’ve seen her and although wouldn’t disrespect her by posting what she offers me or for how much, can honestly say, Sunny is a provider that truely appreciates those that show their appreciation. I can tell you, she is a member here, and likely your comments will make you somewhat unwelcome for a return anyways.
Her prices are the best VFM I’ve found thus far. Factoring in; private residence, no walk-in traffic to contend with, clean and comfortable room, full bathroom/shower with full amenities and clean/soft towels, receipts, and a truely down to earth gal; the prices don’t even factor into my choice.
We all appreciate your review for the honesty, but you should know better than to advertise her menu so blatantly. It’s an asshat move that no masseuse reviewed here deserves, especially Sunny!
Oh, and had you chose to chat with her instead of assuming, you’d know, she is quite busy and is actually catering to the higher demands. I know this because I speak to her as a person, and not a service. In fact she is so busy she’s considering expanding in the spring.
Keep it real, y’all!