If my stupid, 1981 computer was not down and sparking all kinds of
fireworks and bells, I would have responded sooner. It's been down
for 3-4 days. Damn computers!!!
1. Yes, I do have thick skin, I can take it, I'm not hurt my Mel's comments,
he has his valid anti-smoking issues, and I respect that. He finds smoker's
and their habits repulsive, but I do take issue with someone trying to
convince me that I must be insane to smoke. It is my choice. But it's okay, he has his right to his opinion, just as everyone does. I was really content
with the designated smoking rooms, no one could claim they were inhaling
second hand smoke, they only then had to worry about the pollution
they were inhaling once they walked out the door of their no-smoking
2. Heart disease is still the number one killer in America, maybe a focus
on diet, excercise, reducing blood pressure should be more of a main
concern today as well as the education of the dangers of smoking. They
should place those pictures of a damaged heart after an autopsy on
red meat and donut packages as well to inform people how dangerous
it is to eat a unhealthy diet. I guess I will pay for their health care, just
as they will pay for mine.
3. Littering is not cool. But I find syringes in children's parks, gallons
upon gallons of oil spilled into our seas, and toxins leaked into the ground
by companies with no morals, and plastic 6 pack can litter that captures and kills our fish and wildlife far more appaling than cigarette packages
and butts on the ground. There are greater problems facing us today
than smoking issues, and I hate to hear the small issues when no one
hears the big ones.
Frankcastle: Good point about the bbbj. Great analogy.
You can be my knight and shining armour, every gal needs one!