Hi MS, I had a crap massage from a Chinese woman in London once. It confirmed an idea I have that just because someone is of an ethic background, doesn't mean that they can practice their cultural skills that well. This particular therapist didn't have her heart in it.
Now off topic!
Hi Claire, Qigong is a Chinese generic term for "energy work" and is can consist of movement and breathing exercises, sitting/standing/moving meditation, and healing techniques (similiar to Reiki). Tai Chi (Taijiquan) can be described as a form of Qigong, and Qigong is used in Chinese martial arts. Qigong is used be Buddhist and Taoist monks to aid spiritual development. It is considered an important part of Traditional Chinese Medicine, where healing, movement & breathing exercises are prescribed for various ailments.
If I left anything out, be my guest.......
Best Wishes