Known Reviewer
White monkey over and over and over come on bro come up with a new insult already I’m getting bored of youWhat do you expect? these white pigs don't know any better.
The west make up their own lies and believe in them. Spreading false rumours when this virus originated from USA just like H1N1 american flu, which you whites conveniently relabeled as the SWINE flu, I guess white trash do look like white pigs, so in a way, it is fitting.
This youtube video shows you what true pieces of shits white honkies really are, China actually treats foreigners very well, way better than they deserve, and this is how you white trash repay China's hospitality, you ungrateful white monkeys, go back to europe or america or where the fuck you white trash are from.

I used to get a laugh out of you but now your just a broken record !
Let’s be honest everybody knows you dirty filthy dog eating Chinese are the dirtiest people on the planet , ignorant and brain washed by the CCP ! come on bro do better think a little amd come up with something that is original ? When your white and you know you dominate the worlds wealth well the entire world for that matter do you really think we care about some Asian animals or any other trash ?