To whom do I refer this client?
Rose of Sharon said:
Okay....but please, tell me more.

I am sure she will want to know WHY I pick a particular modality for her. Or at least I would want to know why, in her shoes. Do you have specific training with this, (the ruptured & fused disks, I know you have CST training!) and if so, what is it that you do for it? How does it work? Why is it the preferred treatment?
Thank you! I am very interested in learning more.
Hmmm ... where to begin ...
CST also works with the clients body. We are trained to evaluate and 'listen' to the body to find out where underlying cause of the issue is rooted in the body. While her ruptures may be cervical there may be fascial restrictions in her pelvis that are related that need to be addressed to help alleviate symptoms. CST evaluation can help determine where the associated restrictions are within the body.
Once the restrictions are found, CranioSacral Therapy (CST) uses very light touch to support release. We always use the minimal amount or force necessary to release a restriction. The amount of force we use is measured in grams - not pounds! So, it is safe and gentle for someone with ruptured discs and arthritis.
From his new book, Dr John Upledger, DO, OMM states:
CST enhances fluid motion, releases muscle tonus, and desensitizes facilitated segments, all of which contribute to joint rejuvenation.
CST facilitates and enhances the body's natural healing ability and encourages the body to self-correct.
To answer specifically about fused discs, CST can help to remove adhesions and scar tissue as well as assist the release of any trauma from surgery from the cellular memory. We also address adhesions that may be present in the dural tube preventing smooth dural/spinal movement and causing pain down the nerve roots and out to the periphery.
Working the dural tube also helps to create space between discs which can relieve pressure on the intervertebral discs. Further imagery and dialogue on the rupture discs can bring health back to the disc.
An advanced trained / certified therapist will have the skills and the experience to work with the body in such a way, that even a client in the most severe pain will be able to receive and benefit from CST. It will activate his/her parasympathetic and help to support his/her innate healing process.
We see many Chiropractors, PTs, OTs, PTAs, MTs, Dentists, Doctors, and many others in health fields in our CranioSacral Therapy classes. There is a reason for this ... it teaches people how to listen to the body in a different way and support the body with gentle, effective tissue release techniques.
I, myself, have worked with humans and animals ranging from one day old to people in their 80's. I have worked with ruptured discs, herniated discs, fusions, spondylitis, spondylosis, torticollis, and many other spinal / vertebral problems. I get referrals from Chiropractors, PTs, OTs, Rheumatologists and PCPs. I have witnessed how amazing the body can be in healing itself and CST gives me the tools I need to support this process for my clients.
Let me know if you have any other questions.