just back from prague wit the "karlespe's list" well in my hands...
but I found a little boring to visit privats one after the other one... as the girls quality is often low or very low in my opinion!!
I do think at neon and especially SParadise the quality is better...and about the performance quality if you do not care about extras (like me as for me the real extra is feel the girl is confident about you, look at you share and exchange a little with you..)...club is often at the same level (with more beautiful girls and a few KK to spend more!)
the only good privat i can suggest
is :
privat ohrada in praha 3
found LILI (or something like that), pretty blonde 20 years old....fresh nice and enthusiastic!
i will not forget easily two thinks:
1)she was very wet without any gel add!!
2) when she told me, on me, "fuck me, and love me" looking at me in a so nice way!
wow men ...!!!paradise for 30 minutes damage 1000 kk only!!!
please gentlemen be nice with her she deserve it!!!
mytic karlespe where are you what do you thinK about this young girls privat ??