It comes to mind that certain people seem to have a knack for being on set.
If you ever be jonesing, I would advise you tread lightly in Baldwin Hills. And for dam sure, bring your big ass homie along!
Partying with movie stars,
Sunset Blvd and La Cienega. Steven Segal and Sensei....
And if Gary Bussey ever drives off with his coffee still on top of his car in Malibu, you will have a good laugh!
And when you get a chance to meet Robert Downey Jr, well......just shake his hand and then give him his privacy like Nelly...
And if they ever film an epic movie in your back yard, hint hint (Arnold),, Enjoy! HINT HINT, Motorcycle jumping into the canal.......
And enjoy your local MPA And write a review now and then.
Support your local MPA'S Knuckleheads.
Massage Planet is JUMPING

If you ever be jonesing, I would advise you tread lightly in Baldwin Hills. And for dam sure, bring your big ass homie along!
Partying with movie stars,
Sunset Blvd and La Cienega. Steven Segal and Sensei....
And if Gary Bussey ever drives off with his coffee still on top of his car in Malibu, you will have a good laugh!
And when you get a chance to meet Robert Downey Jr, well......just shake his hand and then give him his privacy like Nelly...
And if they ever film an epic movie in your back yard, hint hint (Arnold),, Enjoy! HINT HINT, Motorcycle jumping into the canal.......
And enjoy your local MPA And write a review now and then.
Support your local MPA'S Knuckleheads.
Massage Planet is JUMPING

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