This is why escorts have a strong following. The escort's duty is to be your girlfriend for an hour or so. It is possible with BG's but it is very hit-and-miss, as you have reported. There are some individuals who say they are able to get the girlfriend experience (GFE) from BG's 19 out of 20 times. Personally, I think these mongers are, in reality, asthmatic, pudgy, 12-year-old geeks sitting downstairs in their basements in Lincoln, Nebraska. Or maybe they are just very, very good at sniffing out which BG's are going to be good upstairs and which are going to change personalities 180 degrees as their altitude rises two flights of steps.
Some mongers have even reported getting GFE from SG's. This I find very hard to believe. I'm not really sure I'd want to DATY with a SG, to be truthful. However, there is one SG who I had a decent time with and she assured me that my next visit would be closer to GFE so we'll see if that materializes.
But, in the final analysis, it is what best fits you that is important. You seem to have found your Mongering Nirvana. Congratulations -- Let's keep that TJ economy humming!
Some mongers have even reported getting GFE from SG's. This I find very hard to believe. I'm not really sure I'd want to DATY with a SG, to be truthful. However, there is one SG who I had a decent time with and she assured me that my next visit would be closer to GFE so we'll see if that materializes.
But, in the final analysis, it is what best fits you that is important. You seem to have found your Mongering Nirvana. Congratulations -- Let's keep that TJ economy humming!