Argument ?

I think U R arguing with your-self bud.
I made a statement about the data that is worth MILLIONS to the owners. Tr(D)ump wants that data for one of his oligarch buddies.
He was the one who started the TikTok BS a few years back & now wants to appear as the "Savior of TikTok".
The US already has gazillions of ways to spy on its citizens, From CCs to Cell Phones, bank transactions, internet use, Even the TV shows you watch & the GPS in your car. Go read some of the publication on wiki leaks OR educate you-selff by looking up Edward Snowden.
The point of the story is ... Not the left or the right, the communist, the socialist, the democrats or the rich oligarchs are true and clean, they all have a secret agenda.
The public, such as you and I are the source of their greed, exploitation and manipulation.
Every time citizens turn against each other they win, and the common folk loses.
'nough said.