… hate 2 break it 2u, son… most mpas totally prefer older guys… young guys get gf & wives, disappear, older guys return wk after wk & make them $$$
… we also possess the EXIT game… older losers who might sugardaddy or marry one of these 304s…
Spend some time on OTHER side of the curtain… well, perhaps they dont trust younger guys there… but thats where u hear what they think & want… young guy wanders in, theyre like “u want this one?” pushing each other 2 take him… older guy comes in? Theyre fightng 4 him…
If yer a nice older guy, no wedding ring or SCAR of wedding ring (or tanline where it was or bald patch on yer finger)… WOW the service spike! Start making noises like new reg “Yer here every Wednesday?” Etc… damn, they pull out all the stops…
Its fun being prefered customer @ banks

& at spas…