The system overload caused by modernlife to the fetus is a huge load Have a read of for some day to day concerns. As I mentioned earlier, you shouldn't breathe in gas fumes when filling up your car, but you can't avoid it. You just need to decide where you can limit the system overload, and I think something you have your hands covered in for a lot of your time working, is an area where you can cut down that load.
If studies on effects during pregnancy indicate something is not safe, good, no arguing about that substance. If studies say it is safe, it just raises more questions about safe for who and when? What was the time frame for the study? Did it study the fertility issues of the child when they decided to have kids years later? Did it check for normal liver development in the child? I think "safe during pregnancy" raises more questions than "has not been studied".
As Sombraman said, a lot of the studies are done by the manufacturer, they're not going to do studies for 25 years on the fertility of children of mothers that used a product, they probably won't even bother with checking the normal liver development of a one year old.
The thing to be considering is how to minimise exposure, where it is practicable, some places like a gas station you just can't avoid, but then you can avoid using some scary "keep room well ventilated" bathroom cleaner. It's the total system load on the fetus you want to keep down, so avoiding things when possbile has to help with that load reduction.