Had a great session with Miki yesterday. Picked her from the website as she stood out to me. Dropped some serious $$ here lately with all these new girls coming in.
F: 8.5/10 younger girl so no signs of aging, fair skin, nice eyes, big lips.
B: 8/10 Big ass and nice shape overall, not the petite frame like some of the smaller girls but she’s not fat at all. Very good physique overall.
S: 9/10 Amazing kisser. From beginning to end this girl is constantly kissing me and making me feel like she likes me. No sense of transactional service at all, true GFE and very natural. Typical VIP services but she is very into sex, so pleasing her is easy and she likes every part of the session.
A: 9/10 Overall no issues, flirty, talkative (English no problem), didn’t rush, followed my lead, no issues with her attitude at all.
Repeat: Yes