Brother! There were also shots of pte dvds, strange man with tattoos, not just FLs. There was a PRC FLs pleasing with AV, "please let me go". Don't forget a voice over of a man, pleasing also; "if my wive know this, i am in trouble."
Scared now? Then don't visit strange places, is not worth trust me, good that this episode answers the Q. Check in anywhere w/o ICs, passports and permits is asking for trouble. Infact i think the management of the hotels could press charges, their rooms had been ransacked and things stolen.
Nothing new actually, i think Army might be in it, is just not necessary to tell it. Why? There are AWOL people too, strange people liked to cum together 1. How about the future?
I think beginning of 2010, those people had modify their ops, no wonder we don't see many men hanging around RLD coffeeshops. Sort of liked, we have no local young punks selling discs around neighbourhood. All taken up by PRCs, they move another step.
I wrote, our police will checkmate them again, and for a good person. Avoid this places, ok? We shall stay and watch the next epside. Finally all countries conduct AV ops, never assume Libya and N Korea don't bother. We are not there, i'm sure we known the happening when we are staying in this 2countries.
Trust not the media, they are selling papers, and nothing more.