
Cristof Machtelinckx from Oudenburg (West Flanders) has set a new world record after managing to massage lucky locals for 73 hours. More than 60 volunteers stepped forward for a massage on Cristof’s massage table before he stopped massaging at noon on Wednesday. The previous record stood at a mere 50 hours.
Cristof Machtelinckx started his record attempt last Sunday. By Wednesday noon, he had put in just over 73 hours of massaging.
Cristof’s attempt raised money for 3 charities. The West Fleming was also keen to raise awareness about the benefits of a massage. He would like to see health funds offering a refund for patients because a massage is much more than a luxury product. ‘Massages can have a very big impact on your body, but also on mental health. I wanted to bring that people’s attention too.’
Not at all weary
Cristof finished his world record attempt on the day he turned 40. ‘I am not tired at all’ he told reporters ‘I still have bags of energy. I could easily have continued massaging for another 10 to 15 hours.’