My MPA a green hornet (GH)? Me bad, fine me girl! You can put that yellow ticket on my windsheild any day. Oh, bend over on the hood, fine me, I parked in a tow-away zone... What am I think? Getting flashback of butchy female GH friends, not bad looking, just too guy-like with their buzz cut.
Or MPA BF a green hornet?
Or MPA moonlight as building Super. that issues tickets? I love a hot babe with cowhide tool belt around her waist. Use that drill baby! Bend over and show me your butt crack and the G-string! Speaking of butt-crack, this woman at table in front of me at food court the other day. Spoiled my lunch as her booties were just too massive for her low riding hip pants that you know will burst any minute. At least she didn't have a hairy back or else I'll get a phobia for sure. That's it, I'm going to put reserved signs on all the tables around me from now on.