I got into a row with a tg who worked in the irish bar one trip. after work she invited me to safari nightclub. So onto her bike in the early hours. All was going well,she introduced me to her thai friends. I bought a couple of drinks and drank a dozen, had a dance and left. we went to her friends restaurant, ate some food and then time to go.
Problem was i had no money left to pay the bill. Then the madness started. I seen it as a small problem believing i could just pop back the next day and settle the bill with a little extra for any incovenience caused.
Tg didnt see it like that. back in them days i wasnt aware of the whole'face' thing, it was her friends place and i was paying. She grabbed me by the arm and tried to march me to the ATM. I told her to F*** off.
Pretty stupid thing to do and dodgy situation to find oneself in I know, but when i was drinking in Los, this type of thing was happening to me and i see it happen to lots of farangs in thailand. I don't drink anymore and have been to phuket twice since and i can tell you i seen lots of trouble through sober eyes.
Anyhow back to the story, she (think her name was rat or nat or something like that)
all of a sudden has 2 thai males with her. I avoid a few wild swings from her and do a runner not wishing to be in a 3 on 1 situation. 10 minutes later the mib are at my hotel door, how she knew where i stayed ill never know. I was convinced i lost her. although fairly intoxicated when i seen the police i sobered up quick enough,she wanted her money, the police were just staring at me. I threw 500bht at her and for the second time in a night i told her to F*** off.
The really crazy thing about this story was that i actually i had brilliant night with her and i was looking forward to taking her back to my hotel after we ate, but only in thailand can a situation like this arise.
when she started,there was no stopping her!!!